
Unionsatzung der Europäischen wirtschaftlichen Interessenvereinigung der Senatoren

Rechtsgrundlage der Europäischen wirtschaftlichen Interessenvereinigung ( EWIV ) ist die Verordnung (EWG) Nr. 2137/85 des Ministerrates der Europäischen Gemeinschaften, Amtsblatt der EG 1 199 vom 31. Juli 1985, Seite 1

 auf Vorschlag der Kommission (ABI.Nr. C 14 vom 15.2.1974, S.30, und ABI. Nr C 103 vom     28.4.1978, S.4.)
 nach Stellungnahme des Europäischen Parlaments (ABI.Nr. C 163 vom 11.7. 1977, S. 17.)
 nach Stellungnahme des Wirtschafts- und Sozialausschusses (ABI. Nr. C 108 vom 15.5.           1975, S.46.)

gestützt auf den Vertrag zur Gründung der Europäischen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft, insbesondere auf Artikel 235.

Die Artikel 1 bis Artikel 40 der Verordnung (EWG) Nr. 2137/85 (weiter als Verordnung genannt) bilden die Grundlage der Unionsatzung.
Die Geschäftsfähigkeit der Union (EWIV der Senatoren) wurde von der Eintragung nach Artikel 6 der Verordnung an erlangt.

                                         G r ü n d u n g s v e r t r a g

§ 1

Der Name der Gesellschaft lautet Europäische wirtschaftliche Interessenvereinigung der Senatoren Primus und Täubert .

§ 2
Corporate form

The company is an EEIG (European Economic Interest Grouping of the Senators Primus and Teubert).

§ 3
Purpose of the company

The object of the company is to support and advise members to facilitate economic and scientific activities in the member states of the European Community.

§ 4
Purpose of the Union

1) The Union does not serve the purpose of making its own profit, but to safeguard the international rights, honors and privileges of the senators. The Union should also help to facilitate the economic and scientific work of the senators. The Senates of the Union, as a body of the scientific, economic and social policy council, advise on solving important tasks, primarily within the framework of the EC - as required and internationally.

2) The work of the Senates is funded by the contributions of the members of the Union, donations and support from the governments of the EC countries. To do this, the Union is committed not to work profitably, but only to cover costs. As a result, scientific, economic and sociopolitical reports and solutions can be reached more cheaply and services, authorities and institutions of the EC countries can be made available.

3) All legal persons (members of the Union) should have the possibility (regardless of whether they are in the form of a company or not) to partially link their economic activities and thereby develop new and complementary activities in which one Grouping is of interest. Both large companies and SMEs can therefore participate in cross-border activities.

4) The Union has no purpose in making a profit for itself. The Union must therefore not take the place of its members or transfer its activities to itself. Therefore, members must make commitments with financial implications on their own behalf. They have to pay for it with their own assets. This personal obligation of the members is the counterpart to the fact that the members are largely free to draw up contracts and are not obliged to form liable capital. Without the personal liability of the members, the grouping would not be trustworthy in business dealings with third parties and would therefore not be able to act. The objective of the grouping of members can consist solely of combining activities, means or services to develop profitability and increase the profits of their members
to contribute.

5) The applicable tax regime for members of the grouping is subject to national tax and legislation.

§ 5

1) Mitglieder der Union können natürliche Personen , Gesellschaften oder juristische Einheiten der EG-Staaten sein .

2) Gastmitglieder können die o. g. Formen aus aller Welt sein .

3) Jedes Mitglied kann seine Mitgliedschaft jederzeit kündigen .

4) Die Union darf einem Mitglied nur durch Senatsbeschluss kündigen .

5) Die Mitglieder der Union sind verpflichtet , einander die Treue zu halten und die Erreichung des Unionszweckes zu fördern .

§ 6
Managing directors

1) The partner Peter Primus is solely authorized to manage and represent the Union. The shareholder Herbert Täubert as well as all shareholders to be added in the future represent the company only with one other shareholder. Any partner who will be added to the company in the future and who is also appointed as managing director will only represent the company with one other partner.

2) The shareholders who are authorized to represent the company may only use the actual financial resources of the company and only those to promote Union work.

3) You may not take out loans, mortgages and other liabilities.

§ 7

Jahresabschluss ( Bilanz und Anhang ) wird durch den Präsidenten der Union innerhalb der gesetzlichen Frist nach Abschluss eines Geschäftsjahres aufgestellt und unterzeichnet . Die Buchführung erfolgt nach steuerrechtlichen Vorschriften . Da die Union übernational arbeitet , wird durch die Regierung des Gaststaates , in dem die Union die Hauptniederlassung unterhält , eine Steuerbehörde zur Überprüfung der Union bestimmt . Grundsätzlich hat jedes EG-Land das Recht , die Union steuerrechtlich zu prüfen . Die Überprüfung der Union findet in den Unionsräumen der Hauptniederlassung statt . Die Bilanzen sind innerhalb von 6 Monaten nach Ablauf eines Geschäftsjahres zu erstellen und allen Unionsmitgliedern über Info-Brief zu 
geben .
§ 8th
Union headquarters

The seat of the Union is 26446 Friedeburg, Margaretenstraße 27.
The Union is authorized to maintain branches in countries of the European Economic Community.

§ 9
The Senates

1) The Senates of the Union, as a body of the scientific, economic and social-political council, advise all authorities, agencies and institutions on the solution of important tasks, primarily within the framework of the EC countries, as required and internationally. A United Europe can only be formed and maintained safely if the economic aspects are right. Unfortunately, it is often the case that many funds and public funds are misused or alienated from the prescribed purpose. That is why the Union Senate's fight against corruption is an important Union task.

2) The Senates of the Union have the right to examine all authorities, services and institutions of the EC countries in the event of suspicion, and to prepare an opinion or report. The authorities, services or institutions concerned are requested to provide the Union Senate with all the necessary documents for the duration of the review.

3) Only the President of the Union may issue instructions on the review. The form for this is a written form. The reports and reports are made available to the President of the Union. The latter is obliged to submit important documents to the responsible ministry.

4) The Union has the right to know from the Ministry what has been done on this matter. The form for this is a written form.

5) The senators in the Office of the Union work with their deputies to focus on the task form of the problems and expert opinions for their senate. (This is subsequently written down in the statutes, severability clause)

6) The Senators in the Office of the Union solve the tasks, if necessary in coordination with other Senate departments.

7) The implementation of the solution must be approved by the President of the Union.

§ 10
The senator

1) The Senate members of the Union are obliged to remain loyal to one another and to promote the achievement of the Union's purpose.

2) The Senators in the Office of the Union undertake to carry out the tasks incumbent on the Senate carefully and in accordance with the requirements. Furthermore, they are obliged to keep the business and union secrets of which they have become aware inside or outside the office confidential. This obligation remains even after the official relationship ends.

3) The senators in the office are obliged to inform the Presidium immediately of any inability to work or incapacity for work, stating the reasons.

4) The personnel questionnaire is made as an application document for the content of the Union official membership contract. If the applicant has provided incorrect information, the Union is entitled to extraordinary termination of the Union Treaty.

5) If no senator has applied for one of the Union senate posts, the union can fill this senate post with a non-senator.

6) This non-senator is entitled to bear and subscribe to the title of senator for the term of office.

7) The President of the Union is entitled to appoint a member of the Union as a senator for life in the case of extraordinary services to the Union.

§ 11
Additional duties

1) All members of the Union have a duty to represent the Union externally and internally. By pursuing common goals, European cooperation is to be deepened and gradually expanded to new areas of economic and social life.

2) An increasing number of citizens' concerns can only be tackled by the Community countries together. The Union should help to balance economic differences. The Union helps to better represent the interests of the EC as a whole and its member states worldwide.

3) The Union should above all bring benefits to the citizens of the EC. All EC citizens can petition the Union and contact a Union Ombudsman appointed by the President of the Union.

4) The Union's goal is economic and social cohesion of the EC.

§ 12
The rights and obligations of the senators

1) All senators have the duty to represent the Union externally and internally.

2) All Union senators have the right to bear and subscribe to the title of Senator. The Senators in the Office of the Union have the right to bear and subscribe to the title Senator for ...

3) All Union senators have a duty to exercise rights and privileges only to the extent necessary to preserve the honor and dignity of a senator. Abuse of rights and privileges can be punished with immediate release from Union citizenship.

4) All senators and members of the Union receive a valid senator membership card. You are required to identify yourself when requested.

5) All Union senators have the right to use all parking spaces free of charge, provided that they are on the road as part of the Union's activities and there is no public parking space. All senators have the right to use public parking spaces free of charge. All senators are obliged to use the above Union car sticker visibly in the car when using the above parking facilities
to attach.

6) Furthermore, all senators are allowed to use all rooms at the airports, ports, train stations etc. that are intended for "personalities". The identification requirement also applies to these premises.

7) The senators may drive up directly at the border crossings to activate the crossing of the border as quickly as possible.

8) When staying abroad / foreign country, every Union senator can claim the diplomatic and consular protection of the other EC countries under the same conditions as the senators / citizens of the respective country. If family members are present, the protection also applies to the family members of the Senator.

9) All authorities and agencies of the EC states are obliged to provide protection and help to the Senator of the Union.

§ 13
The president

The Union Presidium is formed by the following bodies:

- The President of the Union
- The President of the Union Senate
- Two vice presidents of the Union

The President of the Union is the partner who is solely authorized to represent and manage the company.

§ 14
The President of the Senate

The President of the Union Senate is entitled to represent the President of the Union in all official acts.
§ 15
Presidium of the Union

The Union Presidium is formed by the following bodies:

 the President of the Union
 the President of the Union Senate
 two vice presidents of the Union

1) The Presidium has a quorum if at least 75% of the Assembly is represented
are .

2) Union decisions are taken by a simple majority of the votes cast. Union decisions that fundamentally affect the existence and functioning of the Union must, however, be taken unanimously.

3) All Union decisions are to be recorded. The minutes are to be signed by the Presidium members.

4) Postal voting is permitted.

§ 16
Union duration, financial year

The company begins on the day of its foundation on January 1st, 1998. It is closed for an indefinite period unless it is terminated with six months' notice to the end of a calendar year.

The fiscal year is the calendar year.

§ 17
Term of office of the senators

All Presidium and Senate members of the Union are appointed to the office for five years. If the citizenship of the Union does not apply for a transfer, the term of office is automatically extended by five years. If a transfer request is made, the office will be filled by election. All members of the Union are entitled to vote. Each member has one vote per head. Resolutions require a simple majority of all votes.

1) When the Union is founded, the President appoints the Senators in office.

2) The President can call the Senators at any time during the first term. The presidential or senate post is then to be filled by the election.

3) Items filled by the election can only be called up by decision of the Senate.

§ 18
Classification / remuneration

1) Participation in the Union is initially voluntary and free of charge.

2) The Presidium and Senate members in office can also use the services of their own companies when developing Union tasks, but at cost price. The budget for these services must be agreed in writing with the President of the Union.

§ 19
Severability clause

Should individual provisions of these Union statutes be ineffective or contain gaps, the effectiveness of the remaining provisions will not be affected. Instead of the ineffective provision or instead of the gap, an effective provision is deemed to have been agreed that comes closest to what the Union wanted economically, scientifically or socio-politically. This will be included in the Union statutes in writing, with an addendum.

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