The Senator

The European Economic Interest Association of the Senators unites as the first international legal form of senators appointed by the above-mentioned institution to the senator in accordance with EWIV Regulation EU-No. 2137/85 of the Council of Ministers in Brussels, the President of the Union also had the right to call and appoint EU senators at any time or in time.
The membership of the senators is limited to 540 senators worldwide.
The President of the Association is entitled on the basis of § 10 Abs. 5) 6) 7 of the founding treaty / union seat, appoint senators at time or at life time.
The title is EU SENATOR (EWIV d. P.)

As the first international legal form, the European Economic Interest Grouping of Senators unites senators who have been appointed senators by the above-mentioned institution in accordance with EEIG regulation EU no. 2137/85 of the Council of Ministers in Brussels, the President of the Union also has the right to appoint and appoint EU senators for a limited period of time or for life.
The number of members of the senators is limited to 540 senators worldwide.
The president of the association is entitled to appoint senators for a limited time or for life on the basis of Section 10 (5) 6) 7) of the founding contract / Union statutes.
The title is EU SENATOR (EEIG o. S.)

A tant que premiere forme legal international, le Grouping European Economic Interest Senator meeting of the senators in accordance with the number of senators by the institution's suspension in accordance with the regulations of GEIE UE no. 2137/85 of the Council of Ministers in Brussels, the President of the Union and the Member State, bearing the number and the number of the Senate of the U.S. for a period of limited or longer period.
The number of members of the senator is limited to 540 senators per month.
The president of the association and the number of the senators for a limited limit or at the base of the article 10 (5) 6) 7) by the foundation / union statute of the Union.
Le titre est EU SENATOR (GEIE d. S.)
Como la primera form internacional, la Agrupación de senadores de interés económico europeo a los senadores que han sido nombrados senadores por la institución mencionada de conformidad con el reglamento EEIG UE no. 2137/85 del Consejo de Ministros en Bruselas, el Presidente de la Unión también tiene el derecho de nombrar y nombrar senadores de la UE por un período limitado de tiempo o de por vida.
El número de miembros de los senadores está limitado a 540 senadores en todo el mundo.
El Presidente de la Comunitación de Tecnologia y nombrar senadores por un tiempo limitado o de por vida de acuerdo con la Sección 10 (5) (6) 7) con contrato fundación / los estatutos de la Unión.
El título es SENADOR DE LA UE (GEIE d. S.)

As the first international legal form associates European Economic Interest Association of Senators(Senators' EEIG) Senators who have been appointed by the aforementioned institution in accordance with EU Council Regulation (EC) No 2137/85 of the Council of Ministers in Brussels.
The number of senators is limited to 540 senators worldwide.
The President of the Union is entitled to appoint senators for a limited period or for a lifetime pursuant to the provisions of Section 10 (5) (6) (7) of the Founding Treaty / Articles of Association of the Union.
The protected title is EU SENATOR (EWIV d. S.) / Registration No 306 42 664, Az .: 306 42 664.1 / 41 of the Federal Republic of Germany of 15 September 2006

The President of the Union asks all appointed EU Senators EEIG o. S. to be aware of dignity and function. The appointed EU senators comply with the Code of Honor on the basis of a written and unwritten set of rules for human, dignified and decent behavior. EU senators are governed by the Code of Conduct according to the Statute of the Union.

Code of Honor - My personal code of honor

I respect human dignity and individuality regardless of nationality, faith or political orientation.

I am aware of the honor and responsibility of my title and function and represent them in public.

I protect and honor EEIG Fr. and I will not hurt her.

I will remain and I am loyal to my colleagues from the Senate and support them in the exchange of experience.

I accept and honor Council Regulation No 2137/85 of the Council of Ministers of the European Communities (Official Journal L 199 of 31 July 1985, page 1) and the Statute of the Union.

I confirm the objectives of the EEIG of the Senate and I have the will to serve them and to support them with the means, knowledge and skills at my disposal.

As an EU Senator, Member and Sponsor, I strengthen the EEIG oS (Senators' EEIG).

I maintain confidentiality with third parties about all internal knowledge of the Senators' Association. (Senators EEIG).
The senator is a member of the Senate.
Senate (Latin Senatus: Council of the Ancients) has its origins in the Roman state as an advisory board to the king and later the magistrate, whose decision was binding. The Roman senators were appointed for life by the king, later by the consuls.
Today, the Senate is often the name for the second chamber in parliamentary government systems, in the states for the parliamentary representative body of the member states at the federal level (e.g. in the USA).
Furthermore, it is the college of judges of the Federal Constitutional Court, the Supreme Courts and other courts as well as decision-making bodies of the universities or colleges that support the rector or president.
In the Federal Republic of Germany, the regional government of the cities of Hamburg, Berlin and Bremen is called Senate and in Bavaria the Senate is the second parliamentary chamber.

The Senator is a member of the Senate.
Senate (Latin Senatus: Council of the Ancients) has its origins in the Roman state as an advisory board to the king and later the magistrate, whose decision was binding. The Roman senators were appointed for life by the king, later by the consuls.
Today, the Senate is often the name for the second chamber in parliamentary government systems, in the states for the parliamentary representative body of the member states at the federal level (eg in the USA).
Furthermore, it is the college of judges of the Federal Constitutional Court, the Supreme Courts and other courts as well as decision-making bodies of the universities or colleges that support the rector or president.
In the Federal Republic of Germany, the regional government of the cities of Hamburg, Berlin and Bremen is called Senate and in Bavaria the Senate is the second parliamentary chamber.
Le sénateur est membre du Sénat.
Le Sénat (Senatus latin: Conseil des Anciens) a ses origines dans l'État romain en tant que conseil consultatif du roi, puis du magistrat, dont la décision était contraignante. Les sénateurs romains ont été nommés à vie par le roi, plus tard par les consuls.
Aujourd'hui, le Sénat est souvent le nom de la deuxième chambre dans les systèmes de gouvernement parlementaire, dans les États pour l'organe représentatif parlementaire des États membres au niveau fédéral (par exemple aux États-Unis).
En outre, c'est le collège des juges de la Cour constitutionnelle fédérale, les cours suprêmes et autres tribunaux ainsi que les organes de décision des universités ou des collèges qui soutiennent le recteur ou le président.
En République fédérale d'Allemagne, le gouvernement régional des villes de Hambourg, Berlin et Brême est appelé Sénat et en Bavière, le Sénat est la deuxième chambre parlementaire.

El senador es miembro del Senado.
El Senado (Senatus latino: Consejo de los Antiguos) tiene su origen en el estado romano como una junta asesora para el rey y más tarde el magistrado, cuya decisión fue vinculante. Los senadores romanos fueron nombrados de por vida por el rey, luego por los cónsules.
Hoy, el Senado es a menudo el nombre de la segunda cámara en los sistemas de gobierno parlamentario, en los estados para el cuerpo parlamentario representativo de los estados miembros a nivel federal (por ejemplo, en los EE. UU.).
Además, es el colegio de jueces del Tribunal Constitucional Federal, los Tribunales Supremos y otros tribunales, así como los órganos de toma de decisiones de las universidades o colegios que apoyan al rector o presidente.
En la República Federal de Alemania, el gobierno regional de las ciudades de Hamburgo, Berlín y Bremen se llama Senado y en Baviera el Senado es la segunda cámara parlamentaria.

Senátor je členem Senátu.
Senát (latinsky Senatus: Rada starců) má svůj původ v římském státě jako poradní rada krále a později magistrátu, jehož rozhodnutí bylo závazné. Římští senátoři byli jmenováni králem na doživotí, později konzulem.
Dnes je Senát často názvem druhé komory v parlamentních vládních systémech, ve státech pro parlamentní zastupitelský orgán členských států na federální úrovni (např. v USA).
Dále je to kolegium soudců Spolkového ústavního soudu, nejvyšší soudy a další soudy, jakož i rozhodovací orgány vysokých škol, které podporují rektora nebo prezidenta.
Ve Spolkové republice Německé se regionální samospráva měst Hamburk, Berlín a Brémy nazývá Senátem a v Bavorsku je Senát druhou parlamentní komorou.
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